Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"For Me?!! Really!!" Gifts In Jail

Books.  That is the only gift, besides money for your "book", you can give to anyone in jail.

"Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill is a classic.  My sister sent it to me in jail.  She has a clever sense of humor.  I use "The Book," for reference to Hill's classic.
"The Book says to make decisions quickly and don't look back.  I'm not sure if that's good advice or not.  Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.  Although I THINK perhaps my better one's were made quickly -- I KNOW my defining one's have been made quickly.  But I really don't know why I'm so undecided on writing -- no, not writing because I've already written it -- but submitting it.  Maybe I just am exhausted by the futility of everything.  Truly, everything is futile.  When you sit and think about how completely imprisoned we are in our illusions of grandeur and importance, when all it takes is one person -- just one person who has been given "authority" or "control" or "power" that can forever change the life you want to live and think you are "creating."  Futility to do anything in a picture of hopelessness....  Oh, what folly does any of this mean on this Earth Day as I sit here in jail?  Probably absolutely nothing.  Should I ever be able to piece together anything meaningful from these thoughts, at least we know where it all first came together."

And, then I had a little "footnote," off to the side of that writing: "I wonder what Revelations 11:11 says?" 

And then I looked it up and had a good laugh, not so much because of the text of the passage, but because the ixQuik search engine brought me first to the "Skeptic's Annotated Bible," and their banner advertisements: 

on the top: 
Arrest Records:  2 Secrets
1) Type Name and State 2) Unlimited Secrets About Anyone. Takes Seconds

and across the bottom:
Seminario de Financiera
Llegando al area de Palm Springs Feberero 12-14.  ¡Registrese Hoy!

 So, the mystery of the randomness of the universe through whatever vibrational synchronicity we maintain our existence, thanks to AdChoice, we have been brought back full circle.  Oh, yes, and while that note was really in reference to that part of my writing that I've "...." for a future time, after I followed that white rabbit, I had to include it here because it was meant to be, obviously, for our amusement. 

Be in love or as close to it as possible in each moment.

peace & harmony,
elaine x
'liberties are best taken straight up!' - nikohl vandel

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