Sunday, November 7, 2010

Most People In Jail Belong There,

present company included, because of some stupid mistake they made.

OR DO THEY?  DO I?  I spent many an afternoon, evening, morning, middle of the night, laying down staring at a white wall or white ceiling, wondering why we jail people for making mistakes?

Think about the last mistake you made and what if your entire life was turned upside down because now you had to take a 4 month hiatus from your life in the next instant.

Because, that's how fast if could happen.

Think about it for a bit.

Everything and



It makes you definitely think about all that you do in this moment a bit more critically, doesn't it.  And, I did a lot of that in jail -- criticizing that is.  I have notebooks full of papers with lots of words about everything that happened to me and criticizing everyone for why i was in jail.  But, the truth was, i was in jail and no one but me controlled that -- well, i'm sure that [insert Enemy X here] would like to think they had a part in it --  but, i was the one sitting there, and i knew it was, ultimately, my choice to be there. 

The reflection on those thoughts are very different  today than it was during week 3 or even 14.  I could have walked away from it all.  I was given several opportunities to do just that.  But if you walk away from every opportunity for experience because of fear of the consequences, well, you walk away.  Life can be found while walking away, but I think I discovered I'm a "just walk into it" kinda girl!

" Determination (or persistence) --
doing the same thing over and over again
expecting things to change.  B) "

As, always, there is the possibility that i have it backwards.

There are days that can never happen again.

Know that today is one of them.

peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'