So, complete random life that has transpired leading me through some interesting times, meeting amazing humans and finding people I like, making symbols out of them as they relate to my life story and wow, what kind of planet do we live on anyway?
My life is the life stories of all kinds are written about, the character I play in my moment right now is "The Lovers", as such was the role I happened to choose somehow for occupy. I'm happy for my choice and the road it's taken me on even though it TOTALLY wasn't the road others thought I should be traveling then, they saw it. Whew! Now, I hope they will just really start listening and supporting this impossible dream we're making real today. I wonder, could that really happen or will the world just always be mean and I just can stay anonymous and do nothing. I can always do that. =)
I'm looking for love, that forever or infinite kind of stuff that I think we can have in all kinds of ways. I think, some days, I could love anyone who thinks they could love me, and not too many men or women would dare try that or even want to try that with me, so, idk, I know #myNeWBoYfriend is growing and trying to make it to a new level, yet, rn, I think he's just my friend for right now.
Life is dynamic and some changes shift the world, like my daughter graduating from high school next year. I will no longer need to hold her homestead, and she's in college and on her own! A new freedom for the both of us. And, that's when my search for love goes into high active gear!
First, I think I wanna meet #mycybercrush. Mostly because I think it would be fun. Then, oh, I don't know, planning or just letting it flow, what am I gonna do?
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