I suppose it begins with "grounding" in high school or maybe even "go sit in the corner" or "timeout" when we are children, but The Question we must ask, to get to The Truth, is after we are adults does anyone have the right to take away another adult's freedom? That is what I had to sit and contemplate for 11 days in the North Las Vegas Detention Center.
More was taken away from me in those 11 days than during the 120 Flat Time I did in Vegas. Sometimes, for thoughts to expand in their potential, that which used to be true needs to be taken completely away. I don't know if I ever consciously did that before they put me in jail, but I do know that I started to consciously do it in jail because that was all I could do to survive, let alone thrive, in that environment.
On very practical levels, human beings tend to adjust to more efficient models and ways of thinking -- "technology" is a good practical example. It is on the very intimate levels, where the challenge of this expanding concept displaces realities you do not know even exist. We experience the intimate levels in our everyday personal lives more readily than say the intimate impact of a new app on the iNet, but the same principles will apply. And, in our emotional driven culture here in America, the impact of the shift in thoughts on the intimate levels very quickly is illuminated in our everyday reality.
"Perhaps it should be that the future unknown is our greatest mystery that teases us daily to find profound connection to this moment so that the future has a meaning greater than that which we know or can even hope to imagine. If I'm really honest with that part of me that holds the gnosis my my being, this moment is the future I knew would exist. And that gives me cause to wonder, of course, about how free is "free will." There were so many points and decisions that *could* have changed this present reality, but in thinking of those choices and decisions -- save of course the 'blond moment' -- none of my decisions would I or could I have changed."
Having made that last bold statement from a jail cell was easy. In reality out here where the choices of life are really all mine, second guessing is a game to be entertained. And, not second guessing from a 'regret' point of view, and in that way my statement stands, but in the way of 'the blonde moment'. After the "blonde moment" kicked in, what decisions were being made, what thoughts and emotions were behind them and the balance of the two in leading to the decisions that were made.
Not being aware of another person's corruption is the most common thread I found in listening to the stories shared with me in jail. As a mom, I know sometimes a good "grounding" can be helpful; and, I like to think of my experience as such (even if I agree with Judge Dahl that the State of Nevada wasn't authorized to do what they did to me). Awareness grows with deeper grounding into the experience of our own existence.
sigh. time to meditate or something.
just thought you should know that i appreciate the experiences you share with us here. things i do not fully understand but perspective that is unlike any i have experienced either. Thank you.