The librarian of any jail has got to be the most interesting job on planet earth! While their selection is "Best Selling" novel heavy, I must say, they do present broad variety of books on how to kill and kill and kill some more. I would say easily 78% of the books I read involved a murder or other violent crime, 20% were non-fiction and 2% were fiction that were just nice stories.
The following blAHnde Moment jumped out at me as I was reading my writings from jail, as at the top of the page was quoted, "deep throbbing penetration into her wet, warm tightness." "Goodness! What was happening that day?!" I asked myself as I scrolled back to find its context:
When life is simple, every decision is important, even if you only have 2 to 3 to make."Gray daze...outside and inside. Maybe just the Monday morning blues. Maybe its hormonal. Maybe it is the overcast weather. I have decided that of all the minions of infinite mind loops that one can follow while staring at a white concrete block in the dim light that never allows true darkness to fall, the most vicious one is that of a sexual nature. Fantasy has no place in a cel, but all thoughts beyond this cel are just that -- fantasy -- save perhaps those of memory. Even with the attempts at sexual arousal by those 'Best Selling' novelists who fancy themselves erotic enough to include the obligatory sex scene or two amongst their leading man and woman -- usually while in the midst of their life and death struggle against some heinous violent serial killer madman who threatens them even in that most intimate moment, let alone that 'deep throbbing penetration into her wet, warm tightness' -- the best one can go for in this hard sterile environment is the world of fantasy.... And without a single piece of "eye candy" to even begin to appear in this environment, you are really left only to memories. And those are just too real to have any place in an environment this surreal."
peace & harmony,
elaine x
'liberties are best taken straight up." -niki v.
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