i wonder where lisa luzaich went to law schools some days. she's a smart attorney, her ethics are, in my opinion, completely questionable . . . at least as far as I understand the ethics required and oaths taken when one becomes a lawyer. it is definitely clear to me that she has a completely different understanding of the meanings of, at least, the oath of her "office" as an attorney and member of the bar and court. if this is how she's allowed to act by her fellow attorneys, the state bar and the courts, there's no reason to not do what she did -- why not go with what you know, were taught, didn't question -- it makes life easy for you.
as i look in that mirror that everyone is reflecting back at me, i see a whole lot of myself in lisa luzaich. maybe it was the schools we went to or something where our paths started taking tangential routes, who knows. maybe her bar is closer to the truth than mine, i'm willing to entertain that notion as well. maybe she is just a reflection of who i could have been and chose not to be, and so i can accept her despite her choices.
after all, that's what i want the world to do for me, right?
accept me as i am because of, despite of, or in spite of, my choices.
121 days. how much is one day in YOUR life worth? did you ever think about that? quantify it in terms of value, which quantification we do so well -- we are so fast at quantifying and costing out collateral damage whether its one or 250,000 human lives.
so, now, a reflection from jail.
" Determination (or persistence) --
doing the same thing over and over again
expecting things to change. B) "
doing the same thing over and over again
expecting things to change. B) "
i was tired of being told that i was 'crazy' or 'insane' for making the choices that i made in the moment.
i do not know the definition of 'cruel and unusual punishment,' but this is about the third week in a row that i have woken up depressed. Ever since they took "Armstrong" away. I never met her. I only heard her. She was in a cel on the lower tier. She was often funny, playing with the officers to the amusement and enjoyment for everyone, including herself. But the precarious edge where the genius in all of us resides, has a bit more of an edge in some, Armstrong's edge was very ragged.
i wonder still if she was truly psychologically that helpless or whether, she understood everything and was playing the game she found herself in, and was finding the only way of making it interesting for herself. Too bad she likely wasn't given too many options or ideas -- or, most likely, those options and ideas were quickly quashed in her by those who 'knew better' -- when she was a child.
if i ever hear about Armstrong again, and its not good news, i have my notes from my time in jail with her, and they are none to supportive of the way she was treated in jail. but, i already filled out a form and turned it in to the lieutenant on my next to my last day -- that 120th day -- its on someone else to pick-up that ball if its going to be. did i tell you i had to spend an extra day in jail?
yep, how much is that day worth you reckon? if its like one of those days, its worth a whole lot. if it was a day like it should have been, just another day, it wouldn't be worth as much.
or perhaps i have that backwards.
there are days that are priceless.
know that today is one of them.
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
We call INSANITY "repeating the same behavior and expecting different results" ;)